White Noise - Pushed (frequency gain)

White Noise for use as relief for Tinnitus, as audio masking.
These files are white noise waves with frequencies pushed to the point where they almost break up, 'whistling' and 'gassy' in some cases..
Along with high gain added to specific frequencies, a high and low pass filter has been applied either side of the target frequencies, with a fast slope fall-off to intensify the desired area.

Listen at a low volume, remember you are not 'blasting out' or 'covering up' the tinnitus. There will be a 'mix-point' (often very quiet) where the audio can possibly cancel out the ringing in your ears.
It's worth trying a variety of sounds to see what suits you best.

White Noise - Freq. Pushed

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Bone conduction headsetConsider using a Bone conduction headset.